So our economy is going to hell in a hand basket. I think we are missing the big picture. You tell me, what is the bigger threat, the dept ceiling or a cyber attack on our financial systems when we hit the debt ceiling. I know, I am talking about an act of war, but think about it. If we were unable to pay our debt. Our financial systems were in turmoil and our credit ratting was shot to hell, would that not be the perfect time for a cyber attack on our financial systems and or our national resources and military? We know the capabilities are out there. We saw it with Stuxnet. We saw it with Sony and we know Lulzsec and Anonymous have the brain power to launch such an attack. What about China or Russia?
I will be honest. I don't give a damn about the balanced budget at this point. I think both the democrats and republicans are missing the big picture. We are playing a dangerous game right now and it is not about the inability to pay our dept it is about the inability to defend our country. Yes, we need to get the budget balanced. Yes we need to stop spending. Yes we need to bring our boys home from over seas. Right now they need to raise the debt ceiling and stop playing stupid politics. I am ready to fire all of them. I did not vote for any of the